Now I’ll be the first to admit that I’m a flawed person. I have character flaws, personality flaws, beau--, no scratch that, I’m pretty good looking. But seriously, I’m not perfect, none of us are. One of my many flaws is that I tend to find the things that today’s feminists bring forth as issues to be frivolous or petty. I’m not proud of that, but I’m a product of my conditioning as a man. And I struggle everyday to reverse the effects of that conditioning. With that being said, the things I see some men (specifically Black men) saying in regards to this Donald Sterling situation as it pertains to his girlfriend recording him is absolutely abhorrent. They are trying to rationalize or in some cases justify his actions by pointing to the fact that she recorded a private conversation and “set him up”. They talk about her being a gold digger and how she was just with him for the money. They are so upset that that WOMAN didn't adhere to that MAN’s restrictions that they completely overlook what a racist asshole he is. Their own need to cling to misogyny and paternalism has allowed them to see racism as a secondary issue in this matter. “Oh, don’t get me wrong, I think he’s a jerk and shouldn't be an owner, buuuuuuuuut...” The fact that Black men are willing to overlook racism just to keep a seat at the table of misogyny and paternalism is utterly appalling!
I believe the Civil Rights Movement could have been a lot more successful and effective had the male leaders of the time not been so misogynistic and allowed some of the great female leaders to do more and be a more vocal part of the movement. I’m willing to bet that had it been a coach, player or other male member of the Clippers organization that recorded him, you wouldn't hear a peep about it being a recorded private conversation. Do you hear people crying foul when the FBI secretly tapes mob bosses or drug dealers? No! Because they are considered the scum of the earth. Well, Donald Sterling fits into that category in my book. The fact that these men can’t get over the fact that it was a woman that exposed this piece of trash to the world kind of makes you wonder if the greater divide in humanity is gender and not race. After all, we have a Black president in part because the white male establishment would much rather see a Black man than ANY woman as president.
Well, that's my take on it. What's yours?
Great job! Women do have it hard. I've evolved a lot since I started blogging. The ladies I've met since I started blogging have truly educated on the plight of women. Tasha Mac, Marrie Lobel, Suzie the Single Dating Diva to name a few. They've helped me realize that I grew up in a culture where women "have a place." As forward-thinking as I try to be I realize that I'm still evolving as a person. I try to correct behaviors that are unfair to people not just women. I don't care how Donald Sterling was found out. I'm just glad he's out. Now it's time to move to the next fight.
ReplyDeleteThanks Q! I'm also a work in progress.