- Rick James died shortly after he appeared on the B.E.T. Awards in '04
- Teena Marie who also made the appearance with Rick James in '04 died a month shy of a year later after appearing on B.E.T.'s Celebration of Gospel in '09.
- El Debarge relapsed shortly after appearing on the B.E.T. Awards in June '10
- And most recently, Heavy D died less than a month after appearing on the B.E.T. Hip-Hop Awards last month.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Friday, November 4, 2011
The Green Chimp Show's Press Release
Contact: Derrick Wright FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
Tel: (678) 613-1694
Email: thegreenchimp@gmail.com
The Green Chimp Show Is Moving to Tenacity Radio
On Tuesday, November 29, 2011, The Green Chimp Show will begin airing twice a week on TenacityRadio.com; on Tuesdays from 5 to 7pm EST for the evening drive and on Thursdays in prime-time from 8 to 10pm EST. The Green Chimp Show's host, D. Wright, along with co-hosts Miss Chernean, Big Pace, and “the homey” Chuck are a fearless ensemble with an amazing chemistry.
Since it began broadcasting in May of 2011, The Green Chimp Show has consistently remained in the top 25 out of nearly 2500 shows on Blog Talk Radio due to strong listenership and loyal fans of the show. The Green Chimp Show discusses everything from parenting to politics, race to relationships, love, life, sports, sex and all things in between. This is where “Real talk meets radio”. The show's goal is to be both informative and entertaining and according to its listeners it has been successful at doing so.
The Green Chimp Show has been actively involved in its community by providing school supplies and clothing to children's organizations that help to support families in need as well as food, clothing and toiletries to the homeless in the Metropolitan Atlanta area. In addition to providing food, clothing and toiletries to the homeless, on November 18-21, 2011 as part of a two part series on the homeless in Atlanta, D. Wright, Big Pace, and “the homey” Chuck will go undercover and live on the streets of Atlanta just as the homeless do in order to get a better understanding of what life on the street is like.
After inviting Tenacity Radio's CEO, Beckah Boyd, to be a guest on the show and inquiring about hosting a show on Tenacity, The Green Chimp Show decided to make the switch. TenacityRadio.com gives The Green Chimp Show the opportunity to reach a much larger fanbase through smartphone apps such as Stitcher, Wunder and Tune In Radio, amongst a host of others.
The Green Chimp Show: Real Talk Meets Radio and TenacityRadio.com: Real Entertainment...No Excuses
If you would like more information about The Green Chimp Show, or to schedule an interview with the cast, please call Derrick Wright at (678) 613-1694 or email thegreenchimp@gmail.com.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
On tonight's show
Recently several videos of teens and young adults performing sex acts have surfaced online either because they posted them themselves or because the person/people that they were involved in the sex act with posted them. All too often it is the person themselves posting these videos in search of their 15 minutes of fame. Tonight at 8 pm EST we discuss the concept of Fellatio For Fame. (917) 932-8125
Monday, October 3, 2011
A few things women can learn from men about men
Whenever a debate develops about the state of affairs between men and women, the women or some woman in the group inevitably breaks out a list if things "Men need to do or stop doing". Rarely do you ever hear women speak on what it is that a woman needs to do. Well, I'm here to help with a few things that I think women need to do or stop doing. Feel free to add your own in the comments section as I'm sure there are many more than the ones that I've listed.
- Stop thinking that your coochie is the best thing since sliced bread. For my money, it's the combination of peanut butter and jelly but I digress. At any rate, your coochie is not the reason that a man will either stay or stray. Contrary to popular belief, sex, whether good or bad is not the first thing on a man's mind that has decided to enter into a committed relationship with you.
- You can be a high-powered attorney, chief physician at the local hospital or the girl who always messes up my order at the Checker's drive-thru, either way you need to know how to make biscuits. That's right, no matter how much bacon you bring home, you still need to cook it. Look, the truth is that women have really made great strides toward equality in the workplace and throughout other areas of society and that is very commendable. However, the role of the woman in the home has remained and should remain the same, which is that of nurturer and caregiver to her family. So when you've finished that heart transplant or helped to negotiate the merger of two Fortune 500 companies, be prepared to trade in those surgical masks and client briefs for an apron and mommy jeans.
- Stop acting like men owe you something. Relationships are two-way streets and require equal amounts of give and take from both parties involved. Give and take isn't just a money or gifting concept. It entails giving and taking of all things including but not limited to emotional, spiritual, and physical things.
- This one is a bit tricky, so pay attention. Men like women who need them but aren't needy. Let me try to explain...See, men have an innate desire to be needed. Men not only want, but they yearn for the feeling of accomplishment that comes with being able to take care of their woman/family with comfort. However, women who bring absolutely nothing to the table and always have their hand out will run a man off faster than two rabid pit bulls that have broken their chains. This will sound weird but, the less you ask for, the more a man wants to give.
- Men don't want to go anywhere, so don't push them out the door by smothering them. If a man has committed to being in a relationship with you he already views you as the most important thing in his life, you don't have to constantly nag him about showing you. When a man truly loves you, everything he does is done with you in mind. Nothing discourages a man more about being in a committed relationship than the thought of becoming someone's property. You just take care of home, give him his space and just like the Isley Brothers say in their song, "Voyage to Atlantis", he'll always come back to you. Show him unwavering loyalty and you will never have to wonder if he's "yours" or not.
Well, that's The Green Chimp's take on it what's yours?
Thursday, September 22, 2011
If Not Now, When?
As I was leaving the Georgia State Capitol last night where I had attended a vigil for Troy Davis, I ran into a group of three young men who seemed to be in their late teens or early twenties, somewhere around college age. They were dressed rather fashionably with their designer jeans and cardigans. I was carrying a sign that read, "I Am Troy Davis". They asked me, "Who is Troy Davis?" It was 10:43pm approximately 25 minutes before Troy Davis was murdered on Georgia's Death Row and they didn't know who he was. Perhaps if he had been a fashion designer they would have known who he was. We can no longer sit back and allow our younger brothers and sisters to be that ignorant and apathetic to what's going on around them. We MUST invoke change!
With Google, Ask.com, Bing, Yahoo, Twitter, Facebook, hell even Myspace and Black Planet, there are an exorbitant amount of ways for people to get information. It's not called the "Information Super Highway" just because it's a catchy moniker.There is absolutely no excuse for those three young men not to have known who Troy Davis was at such a late hour in his life.
While there are no excuses, there are indeed reasons:
- Show and Tell -- As the older generation we should be leading by example, which we are. Unfortunately, that example is one of apapthy and indifference. We all talk a good game and TELL them what needs to be done, but we don't SHOW our youth how to do it. If they see us taking to the streets and lifitng our voices to injustice they will be more apt to do so.
- American Idol -- Not the actual television show, but the idea of an "American Idol". Today's youth (especially young men) idolizes people like Kanye West and Jay-Z. But what do Kanye and Jay-Z tell them other than how to dress and "get that paper"? Do you see them hosting or sponsoring economic empowerment seminars of financial literacy classes? No, you don't! They just say "get that dough", leaving our youth to their own devices as to how to get it. There's more to being an idol than just having people look up to you and aspiring to be you. If you really care, you would show those that idolize you how to get to where you are and be better. I'm not jumping on Kanye and Jay-Z, they are merely examples. The real idol should be at home anyway. That's right, PARENTS, relatives, and family friends should be our youth's idols, not people they don't know or will never meet.
- Dumb and Dumber-er -- Television programming, movies and media coverage of events is paramount in the mis-education of America's youth. In fact, the way the media covers stories today is tantamount to the dumbing down of society. Simply telling a young person to watch the news or read a newspaper is giving them license to be stupid. We have to hold more family discussions and forums with our children about what they see and hear in the news. We have to remind them to believe none of what you hear and only some of what you see. You would be surprised as to how perceptive your children are about things and how receptive they are to the idea of discussing those things with you.
A lot of you will read this and say "Yeah, Derrick is right!" or "Right on D!" Some of you will click "like" and move on. NONE OF THAT IS ENOUGH! To paraphrase OutKast, we have got to get up, get out, and DO something if we want to see a change in how our country does things.
If seeing what happened to Troy Davis isn't enough for you to take action, then what is? If you won't move now, then when?
Well, that's the Green Chimp's take on it. What's yours?
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
The Process
One of the most adverse, yet beautiful things that two people can go through together is child birth. The mother is in great pain and her body is doing things that are nothing short of miraculous. The child is struggling to quickly adapt to being forced out of the comfort and familiarity of its mother's womb into a strange environment where he/she is vulnerable and afraid. That miracle of birth creates a bond that is unlikely to be broken throughout both the life of the mother and the life of the child. The aches and pains of carrying the child that the mother has to endure coupled with the changes and metamorphosis that the baby goes through cannot be compared to anything else in the world.
It's important to note that it is my belief that nothing in the world compares to the majestic beauty of child birth and the difficulties associated with it. However, there is a correlation between the bond that is created through the adversity of child birth and the bond that is created through the adversity of joining a fraternity or sorority.
Hey, stop cursing at me! Let me try to explain.
While the levels of adversity and the strength of the bonds are astronomically different and light years apart from being the same thing, the concept of the two processes share some similarities.
Indulge me if you will....
Let's look at a fraternity/sorority as a mother who has given birth to millions of brothers and sisters throughout the years and let's see the aspirants of the fraternity/sorority at first as suitors. When the fraternity/sorority has informational sessions or smokers, the suitors(aspirants) dress up in their best attire and put on their best demeanor in order to attract the mother(fraternity/sorority). As the night progresses,conversations are held in order for both parties to learn more about one another.
After the two have gotten more acquainted and they have decided to see each other again, a kind of courtship begins.You know,it's that awkward period between expressing your interest and wondering if you've been accepted to join, where you try to be on your best behavior because you never know who's watching and what you might do stupidly to jeopardize your chances? Yeah, that courtship.
After awhile, the courtship is consummated(you've been accepted). Well, that consummation results in a "pregnancy" of sorts. By that I mean the mother has taken on new life and will have to nurture it in her womb (shop or some call it session). Then there will be a gestation period between being an aspirant and a becoming a full fledged member. Most people know it as the pledging process. During this process the aspirant goes through several changes and at times has to endure some very adverse conditions. However, the process usually involves multiples "eggs", also known as line brothers and line sisters. It is during these adverse times that the eggs form a bond of their own that usually cannot be broken by anyone or anything. As the weeks of "incubation" roll along, the eggs start to grow into "babies" and start to resemble the mother(image of the fraternity/sorority). They also start to form that unbreakable bond with the mother.
Pretty soon those eggs are ready to hatch(cross the burning sands), and as they are pushed out of the mother's womb they are introduced into a whole new way of life called Greekdom. They have to take what they learned during their gestation period and apply it to the way that they carry themselves as they are a reflection of the mother henceforth. They are no longer protected by being secluded and nurtured by the womb.
However, they were made strong and ready through the adversity of the gestation period and the bonds that they formed created a worldwide support system so they are not afraid to take on the challenges that will come before them. That adversity has given them a sense of pride and responsibility to always represent the mother in a way that is becoming of her. It has instilled in them the desire to carry out her work as she has prescribed and to always give back to her what she has given to them. Which is the gift of "life" as a member of her family so that others may come to know her way and form that same bond.
**Disclaimer: This is in no way, shape or form meant to diminish or downplay the significance of child birth or the difficulties of motherhood. Nor, is this to promote hazing in any organization**
Well, that's the Green Chimp's take on it.....what's yours?
It's important to note that it is my belief that nothing in the world compares to the majestic beauty of child birth and the difficulties associated with it. However, there is a correlation between the bond that is created through the adversity of child birth and the bond that is created through the adversity of joining a fraternity or sorority.
Hey, stop cursing at me! Let me try to explain.
While the levels of adversity and the strength of the bonds are astronomically different and light years apart from being the same thing, the concept of the two processes share some similarities.
Indulge me if you will....
Let's look at a fraternity/sorority as a mother who has given birth to millions of brothers and sisters throughout the years and let's see the aspirants of the fraternity/sorority at first as suitors. When the fraternity/sorority has informational sessions or smokers, the suitors(aspirants) dress up in their best attire and put on their best demeanor in order to attract the mother(fraternity/sorority). As the night progresses,conversations are held in order for both parties to learn more about one another.
After the two have gotten more acquainted and they have decided to see each other again, a kind of courtship begins.You know,it's that awkward period between expressing your interest and wondering if you've been accepted to join, where you try to be on your best behavior because you never know who's watching and what you might do stupidly to jeopardize your chances? Yeah, that courtship.
After awhile, the courtship is consummated(you've been accepted). Well, that consummation results in a "pregnancy" of sorts. By that I mean the mother has taken on new life and will have to nurture it in her womb (shop or some call it session). Then there will be a gestation period between being an aspirant and a becoming a full fledged member. Most people know it as the pledging process. During this process the aspirant goes through several changes and at times has to endure some very adverse conditions. However, the process usually involves multiples "eggs", also known as line brothers and line sisters. It is during these adverse times that the eggs form a bond of their own that usually cannot be broken by anyone or anything. As the weeks of "incubation" roll along, the eggs start to grow into "babies" and start to resemble the mother(image of the fraternity/sorority). They also start to form that unbreakable bond with the mother.
Pretty soon those eggs are ready to hatch(cross the burning sands), and as they are pushed out of the mother's womb they are introduced into a whole new way of life called Greekdom. They have to take what they learned during their gestation period and apply it to the way that they carry themselves as they are a reflection of the mother henceforth. They are no longer protected by being secluded and nurtured by the womb.
However, they were made strong and ready through the adversity of the gestation period and the bonds that they formed created a worldwide support system so they are not afraid to take on the challenges that will come before them. That adversity has given them a sense of pride and responsibility to always represent the mother in a way that is becoming of her. It has instilled in them the desire to carry out her work as she has prescribed and to always give back to her what she has given to them. Which is the gift of "life" as a member of her family so that others may come to know her way and form that same bond.
**Disclaimer: This is in no way, shape or form meant to diminish or downplay the significance of child birth or the difficulties of motherhood. Nor, is this to promote hazing in any organization**
Well, that's the Green Chimp's take on it.....what's yours?
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
The Big Joker aka The Race Card
Yesterday afternoon ESPN analyst and college football reporter Joe Schad tweeted a comment made by fellow ESPN analyst and college football anchor Kirk Herbstreit, “Kirk Herbstreit: Ohio State should "quit recruiting players like Maurice Clarett and Terrelle Pryor."
Both Clarett and Pryor are Black athletes that played football for Ohio State. Pryor is still there. They have both at some point run afoul of the law and NCAA regulations but are bby far not the only ones to have done so. But, that’s not what I’m writing about per se.
After Schad’s tweet, the following conversation ensued:
“Hey @K_Herbstreit, so what kind of players are Terrelle Pryor and Maurice Clarett? --@DCurtis22
“BLACK!! RT @DCurtis22 Hey @K_Herbstreit, so what kind of players are Terrelle Pryor and Maurice Clarett?” --@dwright1906(That’s me by the way)
“@dwright1906 @DCurtis22 Haha Now im a racist? Why not blame the world economy and the war in the middle east on me too. Ya'll really r crazy”--@K_Herbsteit
“@K_Herbstreit @DCurtis22 I call it like I see it.”--@dwright1906
“@dwright1906 @K_Herbstreit @DCurtis22 When u play race cards at REALLY wrong times u set back progress we all want. Like crying wolf” --@rootshomeschad
The last tweet is what prompted me to write this post. Aside from the fact that this guy isn’t following @dwright1906 nor @DCurtis22 but found it necessary to come to Herbstreit’s defense, I’m just tired of people like him using that tired “race card” line.
People kill me when they say, "playing the race card", as if it's the Big Joker in a game of Spades. Racism is real, this isn’t a card game. That's the problem with progress when it comes to racism, people act like we're supposed to hold on to "the race card" until some huge event happens then slap it on the table like some mega-trump and shut the game down, then proceed to slap high-fives while we come up with clever slogans (like, get the yeast outcha ass and rise) that let the other team know that they've lost. NO!! Racism needs to be called out and eradicated at its roots, not just when it's on a large scale. Just as you wouldn't wait for weeds and crabgrass to grow and take over your lawn, neither should you allow remarks or actions that are racist to grow. People are always making slick racist comments, then pretending to be offended when they are called out on it. They act as if you're "crying wolf" or making a "mountain out of a molehill". Or they hit you with, and this is my favorite, "But, I have Black friends".
By the way, I never flat out called him a racist, I just insinuated like he did. I merely stated the obvious because the players are indeed Black. You'll notice that Herbstreit introduces the word "racist" into the conversation. But, for the sake of argument and honesty because that's exactly what I meant, let's say I did. Let's say I said, "Hey Kirk you're a racist". I could feel comfortable standing behind that because everyone is innately racist. I know you're saying, "whoa, whoa, whoa racism is taught". I beg to differ, hatred is taught, and racism is embedded.
Let me try to explain.
Have you ever been to an event or gathering that had several different races and groups of people that didn't know each other? Did you notice how Black people automatically migrated towards Black people and the other groups did the same? If you went to a mixed High School, this happened daily at lunchtime. Some might say that it's human nature to flock to those that you identify with. However, you don't know anyone in the room. Yet, you find yourself sitting in the same section as the other people who look like you. Why??? Because even if it's on a subconscious level, you already feel some kind of way about other races. One obviously noticeable thing that distinguishes different types of people in that setting is race or at the very least skin color , which is usually the best indicator of race. That's not to say that you hate any group in the room, but you're experiencing a reaction based on an innate prejudice based on race.
On the flipside, let's say Herbstreit isn't a racist of the hateful variety; rather he's just subject to making stupid remarks. ESPN, doesn't call itself "The worldwide leader in sports" because it's catchy to say. No, they say that because it's true. As an analyst on ESPN, Herbstreit has a responsibility, a duty if you will, to make more socially responsible comments, especially in a society as racially sensitive, and for good reason, as America's. While I admit that I can tend to have some "different" views and opinions and I may look too far beneath the surface at times, I find it hard to believe that I'm the only one that picked up on the racist undertones of his comment. As unique as I'd like to think that I am, I know better. As an analyst at "The worldwide leader in sports", Kirk Herbstreit should know better too. The same way he picked up my implication that he's racist; he should have known people would pick up on his own implications, even if more cleverly masked.
Well that’s the Green Chimp’s take on it….what’s yours?
Both Clarett and Pryor are Black athletes that played football for Ohio State. Pryor is still there. They have both at some point run afoul of the law and NCAA regulations but are bby far not the only ones to have done so. But, that’s not what I’m writing about per se.
After Schad’s tweet, the following conversation ensued:
“Hey @K_Herbstreit, so what kind of players are Terrelle Pryor and Maurice Clarett? --@DCurtis22
“BLACK!! RT @DCurtis22 Hey @K_Herbstreit, so what kind of players are Terrelle Pryor and Maurice Clarett?” --@dwright1906(That’s me by the way)
“@dwright1906 @DCurtis22 Haha Now im a racist? Why not blame the world economy and the war in the middle east on me too. Ya'll really r crazy”--@K_Herbsteit
“@K_Herbstreit @DCurtis22 I call it like I see it.”--@dwright1906
“@dwright1906 @K_Herbstreit @DCurtis22 When u play race cards at REALLY wrong times u set back progress we all want. Like crying wolf” --@rootshomeschad
The last tweet is what prompted me to write this post. Aside from the fact that this guy isn’t following @dwright1906 nor @DCurtis22 but found it necessary to come to Herbstreit’s defense, I’m just tired of people like him using that tired “race card” line.
People kill me when they say, "playing the race card", as if it's the Big Joker in a game of Spades. Racism is real, this isn’t a card game. That's the problem with progress when it comes to racism, people act like we're supposed to hold on to "the race card" until some huge event happens then slap it on the table like some mega-trump and shut the game down, then proceed to slap high-fives while we come up with clever slogans (like, get the yeast outcha ass and rise) that let the other team know that they've lost. NO!! Racism needs to be called out and eradicated at its roots, not just when it's on a large scale. Just as you wouldn't wait for weeds and crabgrass to grow and take over your lawn, neither should you allow remarks or actions that are racist to grow. People are always making slick racist comments, then pretending to be offended when they are called out on it. They act as if you're "crying wolf" or making a "mountain out of a molehill". Or they hit you with, and this is my favorite, "But, I have Black friends".
By the way, I never flat out called him a racist, I just insinuated like he did. I merely stated the obvious because the players are indeed Black. You'll notice that Herbstreit introduces the word "racist" into the conversation. But, for the sake of argument and honesty because that's exactly what I meant, let's say I did. Let's say I said, "Hey Kirk you're a racist". I could feel comfortable standing behind that because everyone is innately racist. I know you're saying, "whoa, whoa, whoa racism is taught". I beg to differ, hatred is taught, and racism is embedded.
Let me try to explain.
Have you ever been to an event or gathering that had several different races and groups of people that didn't know each other? Did you notice how Black people automatically migrated towards Black people and the other groups did the same? If you went to a mixed High School, this happened daily at lunchtime. Some might say that it's human nature to flock to those that you identify with. However, you don't know anyone in the room. Yet, you find yourself sitting in the same section as the other people who look like you. Why??? Because even if it's on a subconscious level, you already feel some kind of way about other races. One obviously noticeable thing that distinguishes different types of people in that setting is race or at the very least skin color , which is usually the best indicator of race. That's not to say that you hate any group in the room, but you're experiencing a reaction based on an innate prejudice based on race.
On the flipside, let's say Herbstreit isn't a racist of the hateful variety; rather he's just subject to making stupid remarks. ESPN, doesn't call itself "The worldwide leader in sports" because it's catchy to say. No, they say that because it's true. As an analyst on ESPN, Herbstreit has a responsibility, a duty if you will, to make more socially responsible comments, especially in a society as racially sensitive, and for good reason, as America's. While I admit that I can tend to have some "different" views and opinions and I may look too far beneath the surface at times, I find it hard to believe that I'm the only one that picked up on the racist undertones of his comment. As unique as I'd like to think that I am, I know better. As an analyst at "The worldwide leader in sports", Kirk Herbstreit should know better too. The same way he picked up my implication that he's racist; he should have known people would pick up on his own implications, even if more cleverly masked.
Well that’s the Green Chimp’s take on it….what’s yours?
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