Saturday, February 13, 2010

Got Singles?

Have you ever noticed how married couples or just couples in general tend to surround themselves with other couples? I don't know if it's a "birds of a feather flock together" type of situation, or if one person in each particular party makes a conscious effort to make it that way. But, inevitably it happens and the crew of couples is formed.

What happens when one of those couples splits up or gets divorced? What happens when the male and the female, or the husband and the wife, boyfriend and girlfriend (you get the picture) becomes the single guy and the single girl? What now?

They're no longer part of the crew, but the guys will usually remain friends with the guys and the girls will usually remain friends with the girls, unless one of the guys was friends with one of the girls before the crew formed. But anyway, the single people don't usually hang out with the crew like they used to anymore. I mean, from time to time someone in the crew will invite them out sympathetically as the 3rd or 5th wheel, but it's never the same. They're usually left trying to decide what to do with their weekends, while the crew goes on about its business.

Have you ever been the single guy and when you want to hang out with the fellas you can't because they have prior engagements with the crew? Or, have you ever been the single girl and found yourself wondering why you haven't kicked it with your girls in forever? And, if you do happen to get a chance to hang out with one of them, it's your fault if they happen to stay out later than they were supposed to, because according to their mate, you're the single hound dog or hoe that's trying to influence them to kick it how you do.

I've come to find that it's important to keep single friends as a part of your circle, just for these reasons.

What do you think?


  1. I will forever have single friends!!! I have more single friends than friends who are married. And the friends who were married... are now divorced and SINGLE again!!! LOL!!!
