When I woke up at 6:30 this morning to get my girls up for school, I walked into their room and saw them sleeping so peacefully and decided to just let them sleep. I initially chalked it up to me not feeling like getting them dressed and going down to the bus stop. Giving them days off like this are very rare for me because I'm a strong believer in kids getting a good education and being in school everyday. Now, in light of the horrific tragedy that happened at the elementary school in Connecticut, I'm sure I know why I received the message to keep my babies (one of whom is in kindergarten) near me this morning. Some of you might say, "But D, that was in Connecticut, not Georgia. How is that relevant?" To that I'd say, and I'm sure all parents and many others who are reading this will agree, it might as well had been in Georgia and at my children's school because of the sense of loss and grief that I feel right now for those children and others that were so senselessly murdered at that school, as well as their families.
On ballots all across the country in this past election and elections over the past several years, there have been measures to vote on amending the Constitution to include or exclude Gay Marriage; something that if allowed wouldn't kill 30 people all at once even if Frank married Bob 30 times over. As a matter of fact it wouldn't kill one person. But we refuse to take a long hard look at the Second Amendment, or the right to bear arms. If this tragedy isn't the eye opener we need to take a look at this, then I don't know what is. It's easy to say we don't need more gun control, we need more idiot control. But, I submit that we need more of both, and we need it in a hurry! God Bless the families of all affected by this horrendous act and God bless everybody that's reading this right now.
Well, that's The Green Chimp's take on it...what's yours?